Caroline Six is a singer, songwriter, and musician in Michigan.
Or is she?
In Null Paradox, the Interactive Rock opera, we’ve learned that the character Annabelle is Victoria’s confidant, Although, after Victoria spies Annabelle having a conversation with The Bully, Victoria has some questions to ask her friend. None of which helps Victoria to explain away why Annabelle seems to be Seth’s right-hand-person.
The love of Victoria’s life.
The common thread in these three character arcs is Annabelle.
But, what does Annabelle have in common with Caroline Six?
Caroline is Annabelle.
At least in the form of Caroline being the actor and singer who plays Annabelle.
Or is there more? Is Caroline tied to Annabelle?
“I can relate very well to Annabelle since we share several different personality traits. Like Annabelle, I tend to find myself to be very trusting, a little childish, bright, and idealistic.”
| Caroline Six
That’s Meta.
It’s the bridge above the seemingly solo artist world of Caroline Six and Annabelle, the character she plays in Null Paradox. Or, as I wrote in Part 1 |
Meta is a “…story that spans all of the stories.”
The transmedia portion is that Null Paradox was designed from the beginning to be enjoyed in written, music, and live formats.
The development of Null Paradox is well past the start-up stage with books, music, and live shows.
To really learn about Transmedia and Meta, it helps to compare Null Paradox with a project that’s literally in development as I write this |
In Part 3, we’ll look at how to plan a Transmedia project that also has a Meta twist to it.
This story is an excerpt from Concept, my upcoming photography book. To learn more about my books and classes and to receive a discount, you’re invited to subscribe to my List by clicking HERE.