I’m always surprised when I come across a website that’s not Smartphone Friendly.
The website that you build or have built for you should automatically detect what type of device is accessing it. Then, your website should automatically reconfigure or send the user to an appropriately formatted website.
Example: It’s very difficult to read a wide page with small print on even the largest smartphone. Your website should automatically reformat so it’s readable on a smartphone.
Most websites are accessed through both smartphones and desktops with the trend moving toward smartphone access. If your website is only formated for desktops, you’re potential losing half your customers.
Today, there are many free or nearly free ways to do this through programs like WordPress.
Once you have your website configured to support all the devices that may access it, then it’s time to bring in new customers through advertising.
“People love their smart phones; they’ve become an integral part of how people search and browse the web. There are a host of ways to effectively speak to mobile users within AdWords, and getting mobile advertising right can grow your business.” –Google